It will come as no surprise that it is in your best interest to reduce your tax liability. You have unique objectives that you wish to achieve with your wealth and reducing the tax you pay means you have more money towards these.
A financial planner will help you organise your arrangements to make best use of available tax allowances and reliefs, so you can stay on track to meet your objectives.
How we can help you
We can review your arrangements and suggest ways you can restructure these in order to reduce your tax liability.
While there are several mainstream tax wrappers that you may be aware of, such as Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) and pensions, there are a variety of other allowances we can use to assist you.
A reduction in your tax liability will mean you have more wealth to contribute towards your financial objectives.
To help you with your tax planning, we will consider:
- what allowances and exemptions you have available to you;
- how to utilise the tax benefits of your pension; and
- whether we can wrap your savings in tax-efficient investments.
The additional benefit to these actions is that the result will compound over time, meaning each saving can be put towards reaching your financial objectives.
Our tax planning process
Your financial planner will suggest how you can restructure your arrangements to reduce your tax liability, providing you with peace of mind that your assets are tax efficient, helping to meet your objectives.
Our team will continue to review your position throughout your ongoing relationship with us, to ensure any necessary adjustments are made.
You will be provided with a full breakdown of charges to agree prior to the commencement of any work.
If you have any questions about our tax planning process, please get in contact with us.
1. Identify
Your financial planner will work with you to identify what you wish to achieve with your wealth.
2. Implement
Your financial planning support team will carry out thorough research into the best tax solutions for your bespoke financial plan.
3. Review
If featured in your service agreement, your financial planner will periodically discuss your circumstances with you and identify any changes that impact your financial plan.
Take a look at the frequently asked questions below to find out more.
Tax planning allows you to arrange your assets and affairs in legitimate ways to reduce or defer taxes.
Over the years tax savings will compound, meaning you have more money to put towards realising your financial and lifestyle objectives.
A financial planner will help maintain your tax efficiency by reviewing your arrangements against the tax allowances and reliefs available to you.
If required, they will restructure your arrangements to maximise tax efficiency. This may include investment products and tax-efficient wrappers such as ISA’s and pensions.
Remember that tax is only one aspect of the financial planning process. A financial plan and ongoing relationship with a financial planner is advised to ensure you remain on track to meet your requirements and objectives.
- Income Tax;
- National Insurance;
- Stamp Duty;
- Capital Gains Tax;
- Inheritance Tax; and
- Corporation Tax (for business owners).
- Personal Allowance;
- ISA Allowance;
- Personal Savings Allowance;
- Marriage Allowance;
- Pensions Lifetime Allowance (To be abolished in 2024/25);
- Pensions Annual Allowance;
- Capital Gains Tax Allowance;
- Dividend Allowance;
- Inheritance Tax Nil-Rate Band; and
- Inheritance Tax Residence Nil-Rate Band.
You must complete a Self-Assessment Tax Return if you are classed as self-employed, a company director, or a partner in a business partnership. You may also need to complete a tax return if you receive an untaxed income from renting out a property, receive tips and commission, are receiving any income from savings or investments, including dividends or capital gains, or are in receipt of foreign income.
Useful resources
Take a look at our useful resources below to find out more. Additional content is available via our resource centre.
Your tax planning options
Tax planning is arranging your affairs in ways that reduce taxes. Read our guide for more information.
Understanding your tax position
Understand how your assets are taxed and whether they could be restrcuted. Listen to In the know for more information.
The value of financial advice
The value of financial advice to measure but important to evaluate. Read our fact sheet for more information.
Choosing the right financial planner
Choosing the right financial planner is an important decision and different for everyone. Read our article for more information.