Financial planning for charities

Does your trustee board have the financial knowledge and expertise to guide your charity towards achieving its financial objectives?

Whilst some decisions can be made without expert financial advice, mistakes are often made by trustees who try to handle financial matters themselves.

How we can help you

We can provide expert financial planning advice to your charity and trustee board, providing peace of mind when making important decisions.

The support we provide is tailored to the specific needs of your organisation and employees.

Our specialist team can can offer the following financial planning support to help you meet your charity’s objectives. 

  • Charity support – support concerning investments, financial planning and tax. Reviews can be arranged to ensure the ongoing suitability of your arrangements.
  • Key Person Insurance – allows you to cover senior employees in the event they are unable to work. The lump sum can be used to repay loans, replace lost revenue, or even to hire and train a replacement.
  • Trustee and director consultancy – personal financial planning support for trustees and directors, based on their individual financial goals. This includes wealth generation, investment management, retirement strategies and more. 
  • Other professional advice – we can arrange legal advice, payroll provision, general accountancy and procurement via our relationships with trusted professional partners.

Our process

Our expert team will discuss your requirements with you, to ensure we can provide the right support. Your support team will be available should you have any queries.

You will be provided with a full breakdown of charges to agree prior to the commencement of any work. We are an NCVO Trusted Supplier and NCVO members receive a 10% discount on our initial fees.

1. Identify

Your consultant will work with you to identify what your charity wishes to achieve and what financial planning support is most suitable.

2. Implement

Your support team will arrange this support with you and your consultant will carry this out. 

3. Review

Your consultant and support team will communicate with you periodically to discuss whether further financial education and wellbeing support is required.


Take a look at the frequently asked questions below to find out more.

Structure and objectives bound by time horizons, supported by ongoing support from a professional financial planner.

Typically, these are reviewed annually. Although, this should be more regular where relevant changes in circumstance occur.

Firstly, it will help identify what funds are available to invest.

Secondly, a financial plan will provide structure via set objectives and timescales.

Of course, this will be guided by your investment policy statement – which you should have in place before investing.

Anybody whose absence would have a severely detrimental effect. For example, a CEO.

Useful resources

Take a look at our useful resources below to find out more. Additional content is available via our resource centre.

What our clients say

How do we do it?

Our processes ensure we maintain the highest standards and continue to deliver suitable outcomes for our clients.

Contact us

To find out how we can help you, please get in touch today by completing our short contact form.

We have offices in Norwich, Diss, Peterborough, Chichester and London. Other members of our expert team are also available remotely across the UK.